Best Web Designers/Mudit Grover
Mudit Grover Best Web and Mudit Grover are SCAMMERS Internet

Shops, Products, Services

Mudit Grover is a sweet talking scammer and cheat, who ripped me (guitarizma) of $50 after availing content writing services from me.

He has also scammed several others who were lulled into buying cheap servers from him and ended up getting nothing in return. I met Mudit Grover on DP forum and he wanted me to do some content work for his websites.

I furnished him the content withing 24 hours and its already been about a year, but Im yet to get paid. Mudit Grover didnt reply to my emails and chats until I threatened him of dire consequences, but every time he did reply, I was asked to wait for 5 minutes so he could transfer the money and that never happened. He removed me from his chat list eventually and completely stopped replying to my mails. Now he's telling me my address is being refused by courier companies so he can't mail me a check!

I did some thorough research on Mudit Grover and his web company and found that he and his father run a scam chain and have already ripped several people in diverse ways.

Company: Best Web Designers/Mudit Grover
Country: USA
Address: Rjasthan, India
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