Publisher's Clearing House
Billed me for products I did not order-will not cease trying to collect

Shops, Products, Services

I have received a billing for 2 products I never ordered. Wrote and said did not order. No reply, except now to my email account they have sent a billing site to pay for theses items. When go to my account they deny I have an email account, yet they have my account to send bill.

Company: Publisher's Clearing House
Country: USA
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Publishers Clearing House
John Akers For Fraudulent Publishers Clearing House Sent check for $5890.00 to pay for Publisher's Clearing House $1,000, 000 win but said I had to pay $3600.00

SCS Health Products, Acai Berry
Charges to account!

Publishers Clearing House
Publisher Clearing house fake order scam! 101 Winners

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Best Buy Where's the Service - Full online orde

Publishers Clearing House
Delinquent account, will send to COLLECTIONS. I made payments on the order. Will send complaint to Attorney General's Office, also known as
Consumer Report

J D Marvel Products Co
J D Marvel Products ordered 3 items on 8-3-02 with our check $43.80 We had not received the order or any correspondence by 9-7-02 Champlain

Billing both my email accounts after profile change

Purity Products
Unauthorized billing
