Publishers Clearing House
Delinquent account, will send to COLLECTIONS. I made payments on the order. Will send complaint to Attorney General's Office


Purchased grease spadder guards, and have made two payments towards the price. I have received two statements telling me that no payments have been received. I wrote back, giving the number of the checks, dates and the amounts. These checks have been deposited. No response yet. Just a demand for the total amount. I have also received a billing for something else I purchased and that billing is wrong. I keep accurate records. My intent is to send all information to the Attorney Generals Office following their claims procedures.

Company: Publishers Clearing House
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Port Washington
Address: 382 Channel Drive
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United Parcel Service
UPS Billing Nightmare Rip-off Unresponsive Bullies Customer Rather than Correct their Accounting mistakes

PHH Mortgage
Foreclosed on and never notified

Blue Hippo Funding
Credit Scam

GE Money Bank
Ripoff attempting to collect on an account that was paid-in-full

Ocwen FSB
Rip-off! Cash checks whenever they feel like it and unethical practices

Support Kids
Support kids thieves, liars, deceptive con artists

Resurgent Capital Services
Trying to collect money after mortgage deed "paid in full"

Publishers Billing Exchange
I received a subcription renewal from Publishers Billing Exchange Inc. Stating that my People magzine subscription was up for renewal, a check was sent for $87.50 magzines never received

Bank One
Ip-off! Dishonest payment and ethical practices of applying payments