Annette j delaney
Bad dog breade

Shops, Products, Services

I put a deposit on this pupy dealer of $200.00 and i had compactions could not get she agreed to return money after it was sold but she did not kept my money and ran after she promised me she is a crook and afraid she will do the same to allof u out there she puts a dog chip in her name so dog is not legally yours and she keeps tabs on u like vet ect if u do not do what she wants she takes dog back plus dogs are over prised at 1,200

Company: Annette j delaney
Country: USA
State: New Hampshire
City: Newport
Address: rr#box 115
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Wendy Carte
Stole My Money

Well tabs
I ordered Well Tabs, they took the money out of my account, but I did not recieve the Tabs, I want my money they took back.internet

Diamond Motors
Do not trust them - nothing but problems!

Thrift Auto Sales
Dealer Confiscated Deposit

Wendy Carte
Won't Refund Deposit

SLR Morotsports
Sold me a performance chip for a car, chip is a fake

Ripoff does not deliver items as promised

Delaney Educational Enterprises
A First Class Ripoff Company

Import Car Center
Authorized dealer of APR Overcharging in labe

Julia Cole
Julia Cole is a crook