Cingular Wireless
Ripoff, scam, identity fraud

Shops, Products, Services

Their employees have been using their customer's information to steal their insured phones. The employees have all the items necessary at their desk: photo copy of the driver's license, social security number, and credit card number.

In this incident, my parents and I signed up for a 3-phone family plan last year, Nov 08. One of our phones recently was lost so I filed a claim for a lost phone to be replaced, when I was informed that this was our second and last claim.

There must have been a mistake because I knew I haven't called in anytime prior to now. So like anyone else, when was the first claim of our phones, we were told Nov 11.3 days after we got our plan? We were told we all lost them at the beach, a party, and at the store on the same day. What family does those 3 on the same day? I guess my dad was at the beach enjoying the rays while my mom's phone slipped out her purse into a pile of apples while I got drunk and had it stolen. But who drinks during a day party? Or maybe my dad was at the beach whale watching, and my mom at a 24 hour grocery market?

If that was not enough, when a customer loses a phone and picks it up at a store, the store is required to fill out a form to have proof the client received their phone, there was none.

This report is not because are short a couple phones, but Cingular Wireless and Lock/Line phone insurance refuses to acknowledged that we were not wrongfully taken advantage of. They back up their scam artist employees while they milk us customers and sell their closet full of new phones on eBay.

This is identity fraud. And to whom that may not have Cingular phones; any phone company has enough information to steal anyone's identity. And from that, the whole spectrum is open for their bidding. Who knows, even you might have some credit cards under your name that you do not know of.

Company: Cingular Wireless
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Jose
Address: Cellupage City, Tully Rd
Phone: 4082389898
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