Kool Alaskan Malamutes, Kool Siberian Huskies, Kool Samoyeds
Northern Glories Alaskan Malamutes, Huskies and Samoyeds BUYER BEWARE

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All I can say is buyer beware as we had a similar bad experience. I'm posting it here now because I would hate for someone else to go through the expense and trouble we have had in purchasing a puppy from this "breeder". I wish I had been less trusting and done some internet research. I was moved to do report this now when it was pointed out to me the Kools had changed the name of the kennel to NORTHERN GLORIES, which would make anyone searching for bad reports on the internet harder to accomplish.

Like others have reported here, we bought an older puppy earlier this year from "Kool" from the very well done and "reliable" looking website. However, when the puppy was brought home he was infected with two internal amoebic parasites that are hygiene-or a lack of it - related. His infection was the worst my vet had ever seen which means this kennel and the soil/water are chronically infected. I've kept dogs for many years and have never seen a puppy that sick survive.

Kool is aware of this problem WHICH WAS NOT VERBALLY DISCLOSED TO us when we picked up the puppy. Jim Kool casually handed me a packet of papers the day I picked up the puppy. The information about the parasites and medicine for home treatment (which my vet totally disagreed with in terms of treatment due as being too harsh for this puppy to stand) was buried in the folder.

The pup required multiple treatments over the course of months due to his infection and the subsequent damage done to his digestive system. The pup was having diarrhea every hour for several days at a time until he was stabilized. Not to mention the damage done to the house and furnishings until we got his bowel movements under control. The infection was cured eventually, but it left his digestive system with chronic food allergies and a need for a special diet for the rest of his life.

When Kool was contacted about these issues, Pat Kool was unconcerned and unhelpful. She blamed others, minimized the problem and hid behind her so called agreements and procedures. When I pointed out these reports (which I found too late!) she blamed a conspiracy of evil breeders who were trying to run her out of business. Yeah... Okay.

Of course, by the time we realized how ill the puppy was we had grown attached to him and would not have returned him to that environment regardless. We decided at the time we didn't want money back, another dog or anything else from these people so I did not pursue it.

Not to put a fine point on it, I wouldn't send a dog back there to live if she had offered to take him back.

I am sure in rebuttal Kool will claim that I am part of that conspiracy, I am not affiliated with the "other mysterious breeders out to get her". I'm only wanting anyone who is thinking about dealing with this 'breeder" to do their homework, get the dog checked by a Vet before you take delivery but not their Vet for sure and lastly

... Buyer beware.

Company: Kool Alaskan Malamutes, Kool Siberian Huskies, Kool Samoyeds
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Lyons
Address: 2311 Divine Hwy
Phone: 6166480980
Site: giantalaskanmalamutepuppies.com
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