Inc. Master deception, fraudulent business practice, lies designed to confuse

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The classic case of "If it sounds too good to be true it probably is..." also "free cheese can only be in a mousetrap". If you are reading this as research before signing a contract with them good for you, you will save yourself a lot of money, time, and aggravation and may well be your sanity. If on the other hand you are reading this as part of a painful and shameful aftermath of signing on the dotted line my sincere condolences and my coldest welcome to the club.

I fell for it, I mean what was there not to like? The promises were enticingly impressive - free carrier-neutral cell phones including unlimited service, flat fee long distance and to top it all off like a cherry there was a T-1 line for our Internet. All of the goodies came off at a sweet price of around $500.00 a month including the lease of the super-duper matrix box, which was as promised around 20% lower than what we were paying to 4 different companies at the time.

The one thing we did right was to refuse to sign for 5 years (we signed for 3 years) and flatly refused to sign any personal guarantees, which might save us some trouble. Everything else we fell for like salivatating dogs for a smelly bone. I must admit the ease with which Norvergence agreed to our amendments to their contract terms was a little suspicious and all the more surprising since the bulk of their sales push was to get us to sign a 5 year deal. It should have raised some red flags, but the deal seemed so sweet that it did not.

We never got the assistance checks that were promised to us in the amount of first month savings, we never received the lease assistance check supposedly helping us with the lease of the equipment all promised to us by our well-trained and impeccably groomed pit bull-of-a-salesman Mr. Philip Baird.

The technicians that came to install the magic matrix quietly did their thing and disappeared without telling us what is what and what exactly they had done. They left some paperwork for me to sign in effect accepting the installation of the equipment which I was supposed to have faxed back to Norvergnce. I never did that thank God.By the way, they do not bother with making appointments, they just show up and do what ever that is that they do, including reprogramming your while phone system and messing up your presets without even consulting you and then they are gone with the wind swooshhhh., just another for to sign on your desk.

No use calling the customer service you'll grow old hanging on to the receiver and listening to cheesy music and constant computerized mumbling about how wonderful the company is and how much of a priority customer service is for them plus how the mayor on Newark loves them. On the other hand, if you manage to get through, give or take an hour, there are only three people in the whole customer service department I called there so many times, I learned to distinguish them by the tone of voice and I even know their names and am able to associate the two pieces information. They are always polite but as practically no account notes are kept, but usually always taken, they are not much help at all resulting usually in promises to take care of the matter or need to research this further which always meaning a 100% of the time turn out to be other words nothing ever gets done.

On a happier note, I recently got an interesting phone call form the bank that was taken with us for this ride Wells Fargo. They told me they are conducting an investigation regarding business practices at Norvergence and particularly the equipment Norvergence is selling to them up front so that the bank can lease it to us Norvergence customers. The lady on the other end was for some reason delighted to hear my horror story and was very appreciative of the help. I gave her a link to this web site so that she can research the SOBs and get all of your stories.

I am not getting into details of what is or is not working for us, since you probably already know the answer. One thing for sure is if the milk turned out to be sour, we should not be the kind of pusses to drink it so, let's fight back. I shall follow the advice given and file a formal complaint with the FCC and I strongly urge everyone who has been had on this matter to do the same.

Also, call the bank that is leasing the equipment to you, let them know how highly you think of this Norvergance joint practices, ask them to find out who really is behind this company (if you read all the letters in this hall of shame on Norvergence you should know). The banks have a legal department, unlike many of us, so they can and will reign destruction on this scam of a company called norvergence.

Good luck to all that had been had and to those of you who are considering you will be had hard if you sign the line. Stay away from this scam!

Company: Norvergence
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
Address: 550 BROAD ST
Phone: 8667446678
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Preferred Capital - Norvergence
Preferred Capital Ripoff - Went with Norvergence selling expensive equipment through them

Preferred Capital
One of Norvergence's leasing companies that bought our lease

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Sterling Bank Leaseing Defrauded me with many false promises, false equipment lease

Norvergence & Pioneer Leasing
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RIpoff Fraud

Norvergence And Bancorp
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I am a customer of this scam ripoff dishonest fraudulent company

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