Incredible inept book self-publishing

Shops, Products, Services

Xlibris is best at self-promotion, not self-publication. Call are not returned; emails not responded to; all editors have trouble understanding requests. Marketing is non-existent; production, embarrassing; editing, totally inept. The entire process... From beginning to end... Was met with incompetence. What is supposed to be an enjoyable outcome is a mess and it still is not over after 7 months.

Company: Xlibris
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Bloomington
Site: xlibris.com
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Marvin A. Lohmeyer
Xlibris is very confusing to deal with to get a book published after paying for service

Xlibris Publishing
They published my book, but charged high prices for scant marketing. They set high prices on my book

Do not use them!

Xlibris Corporation
Dishonest, Ripoff marketing

Consumer Report

Xlibris publishing Co
After numerous requests, they have yet to send me a royalty check

Xlibris Publishing
Consumer Report

Xlibris Corporation333333
Bottom Line: Where's the Money?

Marketing services

Xlibris Publishing Company
Xlibris Let me help save you money, time, and a headache