Resume Mail Man
Waste of money, no results, misleading Another rip-off for serious people job hunting!

Shops, Products, Services

Another rip-off for serious people job hunting! Their web site advertises that for only $49.99 your resume will be sent to thousands of recruiters only in your industry. The $49.99 includes 3 categories and 3 states. For an extra $5.00 each, you can select more and "increase your exposure". For an extra $15.00 you can get a list of the recruiters who received your resume. I ended up paying over $70.00 and my phone has NOT "been ringing off the wall as their testimonials say - actually, it hasn't rang a single time in 3 weeks. The only response I received is 2 emails from companies advertising "work at home" jobs.

I paid extra for the list of recruiters, and rather than a list, I received a ran together paragraph of names in no order that I spent hours trying to organize. When I asked them why it wasn't broken down by industry, they said they didn't do it that way. When I started checking out the recruiters, I found very few (less than 5) that even had anything to do with the industries I selected (rather than the 100's their categories indicated) and I found some they had listed in cities that do not even exist before I just gave up.

So, consumer beware! It's another one of the many rip-off's for people desperate for employment. Save your money!

Company: Resume Mail Man
Country: USA
Phone: 5403733373
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Resume Bouncer,, Monster,
Won't confirm order, proof of service or reply to emails, Taking advantage of job seekers / the unemployed
Promised gold and delivered rocks or maybe it was pebbles,
Scam, ripoff, hustle, lying, stealing, cheating consumers internet

Virginia Web Properties - -,, Promised resume distribution service for $
Heather Hannacher Evil people who mislead serious job seekers. Resumes "sent", never sent. Paid big $ for resume to sit in cyberspace

The Recruiters
Do not fall for this companies sales pitch, they can't be recontacted and the list sent to consumers is not current. Many of the recruiters are out of business or specialize in areas not related to m

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The Hiring Coach
Ripped off by another Resume writting scam. Promise to fix a Resume by corporate recruiters at the resonable price turned out to be another way to fleece job seekers