Repeated phone calls for bill paid 6 months ago internet

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I started receiving 2 or 3 phone calls a day from the CBE Group and they never left a message, morning, afternoon and evening. Today I received a letter in the mail from the CBE Group for a supposed overdue bill from Verizon and it is dated last April. I looked in my check register and saw that I paid it in April and had a note that Verizon did not send it to me on time as I had switched my notification email. 5 months went by and Verizon is just now starting to say, "Oh by the way, you owe us money?" I have 5 months of bills which show "balance paid in full", and they have never mentioned a supposed unpaid bill, they just sent notice to CBE Group (a collection agency) and then the constant phone calls.

Company: Verizon
Country: USA
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I filed a complaint with the BBB