Tralee Telephone Company
Ripoff scam

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I'm having a problem with this Tralee Telephone Company. Just recently the charged started showing up on my grandparents Sprint phone bill, I had stayed with them a few months ago. Well I moved out back in October. I get a call from my grandmother asking me what this USBI charge is on her telephone bill. Well I got to looking at the bill and seen that it was from the Tralee Telephone Company. When she started getting this charge I had been moved out for 5 months. Well she called Sprint and they said it was some sort of something that I approved. She had told them that I don't even live there, and haven't for 5 months. So Sprint refuned her money.

Well I did some calling around to try to find out what this Tralee Telephone Company is. And I still don't know. The website doesn't give really that much information on it, and Sprint, tells me the same thing that the website says. I don't even think Sprint knows who they are. Well now I've been calling this 888-479-8724 number, and of course I can't get through. I keep writing Customer Service about what exactly I'm being charged, and customer service won't even write me back.

When I started looking it up on the internet, is when I found this website, and started reading the messages. I've even called some of the numbers that other people have left on there post, and I can't get through them either. So then I got tired of messing with the whole thing. So I left it alone, well I go by my grandparents house, and of course they got there phone bill, and of course they were charged the USBI charge through Tralee Telephone Company again. I don't know what to do, how to get them to stop charging, for something that was never approved, or consented to. Can anyone help??

Company: Tralee Telephone Company
Country: USA
Phone: 8884798724
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