Queensboro Shirt Company
They are willing to laugh at customers, accuse them of swindling the company, and then hang up on you

Shops, Products, Services

They claim to work hard to make customers happy. Well, making customers happy may be true for some, I suppose.
I had recently started working with a non-profit where I needed a polo for myself and my wife. I opened an account for this non-profit with my new email address, not realizing that I had opened an account a previous year with my previous non-profits email, and was pleased to see that they offered me their introductory sale since I was a first time user with this non-profit.

However, I had misspelled the email address and lost the order until I called Queensboro. It was a most unpleasant phone call. The man finally used my name to find the account, but found I had 3 accounts (one for my previous non-profit, one for my current, since I had opened an account with the correct spelling thinking I may find my order there, and one with the incorrect spelling).

He then accused me of opening new accounts just to take advantage of the new customer offer. I denied this, but he didn't listen, instead actually laughed at me. I refocused him to helping me find my account and asked if I had misspelled an email address. No answer, just laughter at my expense. Finally, he said the email address. I said that it indeed was misspelled and said that I had just asked him if I had and told him instead of answering he laughed at me. At this, the customer service agent for a company that "keep our customers happy" hung up on me. I called back to get access to my account as was given a new agent, who blew off the other conversation and defended the person.

In a follow-up email, they ignored the costumer service complaint and talked about how nice the weather was there! They also confirmed that they expected me to know I had used them before in a previous year with a previous email from a previous workplace. So, if keeping customers happy includes misjudging them, accusing them, laughing at them, hanging up on them, and ignoring their complaints, then Queensboro definitely does it's job.

Company: Queensboro Shirt Company
Country: USA
Address: 1400 Marstellar Street
Phone: 8008474478
Site: queensboro.com
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