Clive Miller, Director of Operations Promises Made and Promises Broken, DONT PAY UPFRONT TO THIS COMPANY!

Shops, Products, Services

I had the opportunity to speak with your Director of Operations for Tax Masters, Inc. Today and I came to the realization after the conversation ended, that Tax Masters has no intentions of honoring the verbal contract that I was given by one of your sales associateson 29 June. The Director's offer to write a strongly worded letter to the Internal Revenue Service on my behalf was by no means an acceptable solution to my tax situation or the promises assured me by your sales associate. Those promises included my tax problem would be taken care of by either approval of my claim and receipt of the 8000.00 First Time Homebuyers credit, or a full reversal of the 2502.94 bill I was sent by the IRS for their denial of my claim.

I had truly hoped that your organization would honor their promises to me. I see now that is not what my 750.00 payment paid for.

With this new information I can only assume your company has no solutions to my tax situation despite its assurances to me that Tax Masters would help.

Therefore, I offer one last option, Tax Masters can honor the promises they made to me by recorded telephone conversations on 29 June or refund my entire purchase price paid for those services immediately. The choice is yours entirely. I offer 10 days from date of this letter for your decision. Should you decide to do nothing, I will most assuredly file a fraud claim.

Please direct all responses in writing to my registered home address. No further phone calls to my cell phone will be answered. You may call my work number as those conversations are recorded.

Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 900 Town & country Lane / Suite 400 Houston, TX 77
Phone: 18884975937
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