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Stay away from Ipyment credit card processors.

I intially signed up with them as we needed a credit card processor, as it turned our our new business seemed to draw the right people in that liked to pay cash or check:) - as is I still stayed with them even though we never even opened up our email to start the account online, I fgured one of these days I would need to process a card for a larger catering event, and it would come in handy, so I allowed the $ 15.00 charge to be drawn on my account for the last 6 months, I just recieved a statment from my bank showing that they drew $ 350.00 for cancellation fees?

I called and they said they did not recieve the payment on July 5th? I asked why as it is an automated ach - she did not have a reason just that they did not get it. I told her well, the money was there, lol.

Well we did not get it and we sent a statement to you saying so! I told her while I never recieved anything in the mail, email or by our business phone. Well, she stated we sent it and you have a contract stating if we do not recieve payment we can cancel your account and take the money!

I told her, look If it is a matter of $ 15.00, I'll just pay it so you will open the account up and you can send the $ 350.00 back - She said it doesn't work like that, I have to re-apply and be approved, and as I have a balance on my account - I was reported and basically blacklisted without my knoweledge.

I told her if this is the way you want to go about this, then I will have the Bank pull the funds back and yo can sue me, as I never authorized that and you have no proof that you even attempted to contact or company.

I promptly contacted the bank and asked for them to return the funds. I also wrote to the customer service department at IPAYMENT and let them know what I thought of there service as well.

So please stay away for your own good!!!

Company: Ipayment
Country: USA
State: California
Address: PO BOX 3429
Phone: 80055447772
Site: ipaymentinc.com
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Do not use this merchant processor! They will hold your money. Run!

IPayment Inc
AVOID doing business with this company!

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Withholding funds from merchant

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QuickCommerce ipayment QuickCommerce blahh

IPayment Merchant Services
Used My Bank Information to Steal $350 Out of My Account After Business Account With IPayment Was Closed!

IPayment, Inc
Ipayment merchant services iPayment Will Rip You Off, Double Charge Your Customer, Hold Your Funds, & Charge $350 Cancellation Fee, Regardless of What They Claim They Wont Do

IPayment, Inc. Merchant Services
Not A Company For Small Business Merchants!

Merchant Services This company was recommended by HostGator. I never completed the application process with ipayment. 2 ACH debits were taken from my business account that I disputed. Sent 2 faxes to ipayment - Merchan

IPayment Technologies - Bank Card USA
Ripoff! Fraudulent, breech of contract, unfair business practices!