Allied Intersate
Ripoff corrupt dirtbags Minneapolis

Shops, Products, Services

This company is so corrupt, scum bags trying to recoop money NOT owed. I tried to settle this disputein writing, certified mail. ANd they left me alone for a year and again here it is back for one more round. The ignorant people their dont like it when you give them their B&SH— back to them. I proved my case 3 times. And yet here we go again. I dont owe Nextel and Havent for 2 1/2 years / Nextel has stopped harassing me but left it up to Allied Interstate. What a joke...

Company: Allied Intersate
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
Address: 800 Interchange West
Phone: 8002146530
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Allied Interstate
Harassing phone calls

Allied Interstate
A Little Secret About Allied Interstate

Allied Interstate
Unprofessional, Verbal threats, Libel, Defamation, harassment

Allied Interstate
Ripoff Harassing Phone Calls Illegal Collection Tactics

Allied Interstate
Harassing calls

Allied Intersate
Ripoff Internet

Allied Interstate
Telephone harrassment, Threats of Violence over Phony Bills Mesa Arizona

Sprint - Nextel
Practices encourage identity theft ripoff

Allied Interstate, Inc

Allied Interstate
Never trust them!