Sabrina Rhoads
D.O.B. 02/13/1989 Door-to-Door sales of vacuum cleaners Rhoads is a convicted felon of I.D. Theft

Shops, Products, Services

Sabrina Rhoads, D.O.B. Feburary 13.1989. About 5'8" 170# short brown and black hair (or whatever color she feels like it should be at the time) currently, heavy on the currently as the people who own the house probably don't know about her background, resides at 4488 Knopp Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 message phone number (541) 607. Sabrina Rhoads has been convicted 5 different times for identity theft (a matter of public record at the Lane Counts Courts, Eugene, Oregon,) 5 Felony Convictions, Sabrina Rhoads has a girlfriend and we don't know of her involvementas of yet, sells vacuum cleaners door-to-door. Maybe you want this girl in your house so she can possibly steal your personal information costing you probably thousands of $ but I for one do not.

Company: Sabrina Rhoads
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Eugene
Address: 4488 Knopp Avenue
Phone: 5416072005
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Sabrina Rhoads
Sabrina Rae Rhoads DOB: Feburary 13 1989 5'8" (approx) 150# short brown hai

Vacuum cleaners door to door
Salesperson Sabrina Rhoads Thief/Scammer / door to door sales by convicted felon of identity theft (5) convictions

Sabrina Rae Rhoads
D.O.B. 2-13-89 Selling (door-to-door) Kirby Vacuum Cleaners. Rhoads has been convicted 5 times of Identity Theft. Convictions public record at Lane County Courts Eugene, Oregon. Do you want this person in your house yet to steal your personal informati

Sabrina Rae Rhoads and girlfrield (below)
Ashley Newnam akaAshley Camille (accompliace or girlfriend... Yes I said girlfriend) Thief & Lia

Kirby door to door sales
Sabrina Rhoads salesperson door to door sales by FELON

Sabrina Rae Rhoasds
Ashley Newman Identity Theft

Sabrina rae rhoads
Stole my identity also
Get Out of Debt Steer very clear from what Steve Rhoads says!

Sabrina Lloyd & Associates
Sabrina... Mcdonald's is accepting applications! New york

Jon Holtz Warhead Records Inc
Jon Holtz Warhead Records Fraud by Deception