Alameda News Group Circulation
The Argus Credit card still being billed for paper canceled eight months ago. Calls to company do no good

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I moved from the area in November and was quite sure I'd canceled my newspaper December, I noticed my credit card was still being billed so I called to cancel and forgot about March, I noticed that I was still being billed, so I called again. The person I talked to seemed surprised, apologized, and told me that they personally removed my credit card information. Again, I put it out of my mind.

Today, checking my credit card bill, I realized that I was STILL being charged. I called the paper and they said they were NOT charging my account. I said they certainly were since my credit card company was requiring payment. They seemed confused and couldn't help me, saying they didn't understand why I was being charged and maybe I should call Visa.

I called Visa. They called the paper in a conference call. Again the person at the paper said they were NOT billing me. When the Visa person said they WERE billing me, and they wanted to know WHAT FOR, the paper person had no answer and offered to bump it up to a "higher level" and have someone call me back. I said I just wanted the billing to stop. I didn't want any phone calls. There's nothing to discuss. Visa is filing disputes for me for every month's charge.

All this over a few bucks. It makes me feel that someone at the paper thinks they can bleed you for a few dollars every month and since it is so much trouble to fix the problem you will drop the issue and let them get by with it. I won't! They are stealing money from me and it must stop.

Company: Alameda News Group Circulation
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Ramon
Address: 4000 Executive Parkway #200, San Ramon, Ca
Phone: 8007557323
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Courier Post
Received no Paper for 7 months, But Was Charged!

Acs, American Credit Solution
Acs american credit solution ripoff

AOL, America On-Line
AOL, America OnLine ripoff bad billing practices bank account infection actively billing canceled members (Almost On-Line) Too Big To Care VA

Satellite cable,, rightway hughsnet internet money ripoff lie on install unautherized bank draws

American Transaction Supplies
Ripoff, fraudulant shipment & billing of office goods

Macy's VISA
Ripoff double changed me double with a "revolving" charge decreased my credit limit without notifying me in the mail sent me a "PIN" number this week without me asking for one have not recieved a bill for last month or this month

It’s OK to overcharge as long as you don't get caught

Pay comms RIPOFF Fraudulently billed credit card for 59.99 for non-existent services on a recurring basis. No response to numerous e-mails to explain charges. Saint Kitts Island

Los Angeles Times
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Pioneer Media
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