Fraudulent: Helpful develop websites into profit, $200 Stolen From an Unemployed Person

Shops, Products, Services

I spoke to an individual named Brett (allegedly); who said Helpful was affiliated with SMC to develop unsuccessful websites into profitable ones.
He told me he was referred by my Online Business Coach who was concerned that my site was not making money.
He knew the correct details of my account and said this company (Helpful would assist (for a fee, of course) in getting a higher profile online and move my website into making money.
I paid this person $200 which cleared on 7/25 and have since found out this is not anything
concerned with SMC; my coach or anything else.
The person who was my coach at SMC is no longer with that company.
I want my $200 returned and refunded.
I am unemployed and was looking to improve the quality of my life with an online business and gain financial independence. I even told Brett exactly those details.
Since then, my phone calls have not been returned regardless of the voicemail message. And neither have my emails to 'support'.

Company: Helpful
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: 8502 E Chapman Ave #146
Phone: 7142880151
  <     >  


I was taken for 50.00 on the 2nd of Aug. For a website to be done by the 27th of Aug

Helpful Internet
Surprised by the Ripoff

Internet Coach
Unauthorized Charges/Stolen Funds from My Account

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Helpful Internet
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