Experian, Jodie Perry Sr. Reg Analyst
Failed to investigate properly disputed items on credit report

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I contacted Jodie Perry after filing a complaint with the BBB. During our phone call she took my personal information as well as well my contact information and specifically instructed me to mail any information I have directly to her and she will investigate it. Approximately 2 weeks later I get a letter from Experian claiming that they were unable to move forward with the investigation. Experian does not investigate credit disputed. They simply verify personal information using a database and if your personal information partially matches then they claim it's verified and then call it frivolous if you request for it to be investigated again. They do not comply with FFCRA rules. And Jodie Perry using stall tactics led me to believe she was going to correct the problem and didn't.

Company: Experian, Jodie Perry Sr. Reg Analyst
Country: USA
Address: P.O Box 2002 Allen TX 75013
Phone: 9723904081
Site: experian.com
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