South Talent Builders International Inc google Talent Builders International Inc. To see all reports on this company

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This report is to warn all who answer adds in local papers throught the south east US titled "Caribbean Construction Jobs" or "Construction Site Managers". They also appear in They advertise heavy in ; La., Al., NC, SC., TN., Ga., Fl., and Mississippi.

The registered agent for both Companies; Team U S and STBII is Barbara J. Hoskins. See website and enter her name to see conection. Or enter names of companies Talent Builders International Inc. Or Team U S This site includes corparate info like State ref numbers for each company, you may need these when launching complaints with the State Of Florida for unfair trade practice in the form of false advertising. The State refrence ID for Talent Builders International Inc. Is S963962639 and for Team US it is P10000081314.

Both of these corporations were formerly the same, Talent Builders International Inc. They changed it to South Talent Builders International Inc. (STBII) and Team US to escape the bad business reports on this site and others. STBII is located at 2161 Palm Beach Lakes DR. Suite 311a in West Palm Beach Fl. And Team U S is located at 2639 North Monroe St Suite 106B in Tallahassee Fl.
STBII is ran by Barbara J Hoskins and Team US is ran by Christine E. Mascaro, Barbara's Daughter.

This is what I know. They DO NOT talk to any contruction companys. They send junk mail to them with your name and qualifications. If they read it and they trust in a company they have never talked to that their screening procedures are solid and the people who are listed can actually do what they say they can... You might get a call. I ask you, if you were the owner of a mulit - millon dollar construction company would you do that?
By the way, the book of companys the claim to have an "relashionship" with do not all get the pubs (publications). They only send a few out a week. Your info may never get to the one fool who might trust in a company they never have talked to and hire a man who might or might not have the qualifications they claim. (I personally belive the state lottery is your best bet)

I asked Christine, my wife, to make her business honest by calling these construction companys and asking if there is actually jobs avalible. She agreed for one day. After having a shouting match with her mother, who sent her cash to quiet her down, she told me to mind my own business and it cost too much to call long distance to the islands. I told her email was free, as well as internet phones, (i.E. Vonage) she made no further attempt to contact employers.

Next, they claim to have a good standing with the Better Business Bureau. Go to and view thier rating. There is none. It state "this business is not accredited" and shows "no rating"

They take down payments but do not release your info untill the balance is paid. They consider this thier best business because when the husband returns home and his wife slaps him for giving away $250-300.00 for nothing they dont throw good money after bad and the company keeps the money and dose nothing to earn it. The service is for 2 years but if you give them half the money and stop, they give you no service... Not even the year your deposit paid for.By the way if you dont send the "post cards" saying you havent found a job. They stop sending your info, even if you have years of time left on your contract. They have no idea if anyone has ever got a job from their service. All of the "testimonials are fake on their web site. (false advertising) if put on a stand and asked to produce at least five people who got a job since they started in 1991 they could not, even if their freedom depended on it.

This is not Barbra's first corporation by the way. One in Texas claiming to put guys to work on oil rigs got her a one way ticket out of Texas, with a no return stamp. She claimed in that fiasko that employees were making false claim on the phone to make money... Hmmm... Now she keeps her new business small employing just her two daughters. Which is smart. What family member would squeel on thier mother? Oh yeh the ex-son in law... Opps, thirteen years of being treated like a pice of crap by both the mother and the daughter has a way of catching up to ya!

I have attached a copy of the reciept for Team U S it is peretty much the same as STBII. Look under attachments

Company: Stbii
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
Address: 2161 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. Ste. 311A
Phone: 5613125767
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Team U S
Talent Builders International Inc. Scamming construction professionals out of their last $500.00 in hard times

Talent Builders International Inc. Or Team U S Ripped Off

Talent Builders International, Inc. / TBII
Would not release the business name, requested interviewee to pay after interview, West Palm Beach/Tallahassel

Tbi/talent builders international, inc
Tbi/talent builders inc ripoff

Talent Builders International, Inc. / TBII
Is misrepresenting itself. My husband is an electrician looking for new employment. We almost got taken for the ride of our life. Greensbro, North Carolina

Talent Builders Int'l
Big Rippoff Non Responsive Heartless West Palm Beach

Talent Builders International
Ipoff, scam, takes cash upfront for jobs, but no jobs ever offered Palm Beach, Tallahassee

TBII Talented Builders International, Inc
TBII Or Talented Builders International, Inc. TBII Rip Off Scam — "Bobby" takes cash up front with only promises for work!

Wilhelmina / UTG
W Talent Beware their "no cancel" contract

Talent Builders Intl
Convinced me of plenty of work available, talked me into paying 430$, and not one call yet in 5 months