Evaluation Solutions
They owe me $500.00 in BPO's since January

Shops, Products, Services

I am a REALTOR in Broward County Florida, and I had completed 11 BPO for Evaluation Solutions. My reports are as old as January. I called numerous times, sent more than 40 emails, and spoke to several people. We should definitely get together and do something.

This is not fair, we work so hard for our money, and this company keeps collecting moneys from the servicers or lenders and they are not paying the REALTORS doing the work. Come on REALTORS let's get our money, let's do something, it must be sometime we can do to get pay.

Company: Evaluation Solutions
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: 12276 San Jose Blvd, Suite 521
Phone: 9042882004
Site: evaluationsolutions.com
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Evaluation Solutions, Jacksonville, Fl
Evaluation Solutions, Evaluation Solutions, BPO company very late in paying

Evaluation Solutions
Bpo Rip off

EValuation Solutions LLC
Evalonline.com eValuation Solutions Does Not Pay Realtors For BPOs

Evaluation Solutions
Will not pay Hardworking Realtors for BPO's performed, Suite 521, Jacksonville

Evaluation Solutions
No Payment for Serices Rendered

Evaluation Solutions Or evalonline.com
Www.evalonline.com Evaluation Solutions Does not pay for completed BPO's

Fakeidman.org Biggest Scam Review Board
Fake reviews of sites they own promoting themselves

Evaluation solutions
EValuation Solutions Deadbeat BPO company

Evaluation Solutions BPO
Evaluation Solutions BPO asks agents to falsify reports and doesn't pay for BPO's... Agent, Brokers, and Mortgage Holders beware

Evaluation Solutions
Non Payment for Broker Price Opinion Services