Central credit services
Harrassing and threatening phone calls at least 4 to 5 times a day

Shops, Products, Services

Everyday at least 4 or 5 times a day this place calls my home demanding money and threatening me with investigations on my assets (which I don't have any). I explained to this stupid people that I lost my job in 2007 that's why I gave the car up in the first place. They said they don't care they just want their money. I also explained to them that I haven't worked in over a year and just had back surgery.

They told me to get the money from someone else. Regency sold that car for little or nothing. I paid 10,000.00 for the car and they say I owe them 7,000.00. There ain't no way. It's been 4 years and all of a sudden the phone calls start. If I could barrow 7,000 I would take it and buy my kids the things they need not pay for a car that I don't have. The car was in perfect shape I had just put new tires on it the month before I lost my job. Can someone please help me stop the phone calls.

Company: Central credit services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: 9550 regency square blvd
Phone: 8889041800
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