Underwired Magazine
Advertising with this pub is a nightmare!

Shops, Products, Services

As a small business owner, my marketing budget is slim to none. However, when a representative from this magazine introduced me to Underwired, I liked what she haf to offer. After one month of consistent phone calls, emails and random visits to my clothing boutique, I decided to put an ad in the magazine. What a waste of momey!

My sale I advertised in the magazine resulted on 0 people coming inNOT ONE PERSON! After I asked other business owners about their experience with Underwired, they all were more than disappointed with the response. To make matters worse, the owner of the magazine, Laura Grinstead personally came into my store and demanded payment! It was almost like she couldn't keep the lights on without my check!

Please take my advise, place your dollars with another paper!!!

Company: Underwired Magazine
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Louisville
Address: 455 South 4th Street
Site: underwiredmagazine.com
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National Magazine Exchange
They sent me a bill for $154.44 when I said I didn't want the Magazine and I don't even have not one magazine How is someone going to send a bill to someone that don't want the magazine and don't have not even one of the magazine

REVAMP Magazine
Fraud magazine company took money from me

Magazine City
Never received magazine

Cameroon Enteprise Magazine Aka Cameroonenteprise.com Aka Sammy Kale
Non payment for services Cameroon Enterprise Magazine

Palmetto Marketing - Sales Person Jen Flannery

Magazine City
Humiliated - San Francisco Magazine

Living Well Today Magazine
A complete waste of your advertising dollars

Magazine Sub.netw
Place an ordered for a Magazine. Ente

No magazine! Paid for magazine subscription and no magazine

Tim Green With Lucid Magazine
Lucid Magazine doesn't pay their writers & prints their stories with out permission