Michael Moncada YELLOWBOOK

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Michael Moncada will lie to your face about how much income you will make with Yellowbook! Don't listen to this man he will tell you what you wan't to hear about Yellowbook and it's all lies! If you take a job with Yellowbook your making the biggest mistake of your life! He claims the average rep will earn $65,000-$78,000 in Roanoke Virginia (that is total BS!) The average rep is lucky to earn $35,000-$40,000 total compensation. He doesn't tell you that you will spend close to $7K-$10K per year in fuel and car expenses to cover there riduculous territory! Your expected to drive from Montgomery County to Lynchburg and back in the same day.in the Roanoke office that he managed there has been close to 130 people that turned over in the last 5 yrs! In the last year they only have 2 sales reps that are still with company when I started here out of 15 reps! This is the worst company to work for Michael Moncada will train you to lie to prospective customers over the phone to set false pre tense appoinments to get you in the door! This man is a total Creep! He drinks alcohol in his office, he takes valumes to get through the day, which is common for most employees of mine that are in here at this office. Be careful ask alot of questions in your interview don't take his word for nothing! Ask to speek to other reps don't make the same mistakes as we all did, I can't even get an interview from working for this crap whole company! Look at there stock price (Yell) and se how much there stock has dropped in the last year!

Company: Michael Moncada YELLOWBOOK
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Roanoke
Phone: 3045615200
Site: yellowbook.com
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Yellow Book
Misrepresenting my business by printing unauthorized ad copy

YellowBook USA, YellowBook 360, YellowBook Inc I was told by YellowBook that representatives lie just to get you to sign a contract

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Webreach yellowbook.com this ompany makes lots of false promises will steal your money wont cancel you lies lies lies

Poor service, wrong information, refuse make correction, bad overall experience Internet

Yellow Book
Avoid Using And www.yellowbook.com dishonest employees, sloppy business practices, fraudulent billing practices

Deceptive sales practices

Deceptive sales practices

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Yellowbook fraud