Sales Froud!

Shops, Products, Services

Tried to buy a Guitar and placed an order with www.wholesale-sale.Us for the guitar I had been wanting for a long time. I received an email from them telling me to send them the money for the guitar via Western Union. I thought that to be strange but have never dealt with buying anything form China so I went ahead and sent the money as instructed. The money was picked up a few days later and they never updated the status of the order as being paid.

I sent several emails trying to get them to change the status and send me the guitar I paid them for but they never even replied to any of the emails or online messages I sent to them. I am now seeing I am not the only one that has been ripped off by this company. I did do research before I tried to make a purchase but did not find anything negative about them until just the last couple of days on this site. My advice would be not to attempt to do business with this web site or any other site like it as I am seeing they have gone by other names now as well. I got taken for almost $400 and that is a lot of money to me!

Company: Wholesale-Sales.us
Country: China
City: NanYang
Address: 88 JieFang Road NanYang 473000 HeNan, CN
Site: wholesale-sale.us
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Grace and Angle They took my money by wire transfer for a guitar after they got the money, they replied saying they have no stock. Since then no more emails OR chat lines. I lost 300US, but I am sure there are people

Etai Ltd (retail-wholesale.com)
Consumer Report

Bought an item... Took my money and ran

Take your hard earned money and RUN!

EDJ, dj-wholesale.com, Ya Ping Zhao An elaborate SCAM! Sent $245.31 No Guitar. Once they get the money, communication stops. They disappear - Poof! Arrrgh! Nan Yang

Autographs America
Sold me fake albums, guitar, and guitar case

Strictly 7 Guitars
No guitar delivery, no refund

Etai Retail -Wholesale
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Guitar Center
Guitar Center does not have qualified guitar technicians