Employment Publishing
Employment911.com Sent "Invoice" when say my help wanted ad in the newspape

Shops, Products, Services

I posted an help wanted ad in our local newspaper which has a publishing company list the ads for multiple newspapers. The bill should have been around $350.

A couple days later I received a "solicitation" that looked just like an invoice from "Employment Publishing". I assumed this was for my ad and paid the "bill". It was for $349.00.

When I subsequently received my newspaper bill I noticed that the first "invoice" was a solicitation.

I called and left messages multiple times prior to my check cashing and sent an email - non of which have been responded to to date. The check has since cleared and I do not see my listing on their irrelevant website.


Company: Employment Publishing
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Wayne
Address: 175 Strafford Avenue, Suite #1
Phone: 6109754539
Site: employment911.com
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