A&R Select
Boutique Media, A&R Select and Le Bardot KEEP VERY FAR AWAY FROM THES RIP OFF ARTISTS A&R Select

Shops, Products, Services

To Anyone who may be solicited by A&R Select beware! They will promise alot of things. But they will do absolutely nothing but take your money. They say they will get you up and running with your project within 5 weeks but after 4 month absolutely nothing was done. They rarely return emails and they might pick up the phone 1 in 10 times. If you want to throw your hard earned money in the toilet at least you will get to see it dissapear. Do not, i repreat do not trust this company. They tell you everything you want to hear but after you agree and give them your credit card info they send paperwork that basically states that they have your money and you cannot dispute it..

Company: A&R Select
Country: USA
State: California
City: West Hollywood
Address: 8286 Santa Monica Blvd
Phone: 3239245897
Site: arselect.com
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Select Staffing
Didn't receive w-2 from select staffing

Select Debt Solutions
Fidelity Home Savers Select Debt Solutions Shady Better Business Bureau BEWARE!

Select Your Gifts
Select your gifts are still Operating

Select debt solutions
Kathy burns mike or name ace billy burns example, they are ripoffs, they money and ran i work my a

Alpha Select Pty Ltd
Consumer Report

Select Portfolio Servicing
Ripoff disregarding 15 day grace period fraudulent late charges

Select Your Gift
Com Scammed me. They offered a $1,000 shopping spree to buy magazines. They are not legitamate. They are fradulent. Beware

Shopper Select
Scammed Me Of Almost $1000 Dollars SCAM

Select Comfort - Selectcomfort - Selectcomfort.com - Sleep Number Bed
Major RipOff Scam They took my money and I still don't have a working mattress after 7 month Beware of Select Comfort

Stay away from these guys