Real africavodoo Aida Wedo no money back guarantee. No sucess total rip off. Scam

Shops, Products, Services

I contacted this site in december last year they have promissed me sucess in 30 days and money back guarantee if they can not suceed. Non of it happens no sucess no money back

Company: Real africavodoo Aida Wedo
Country: USA
City: Melbourne
Address: 2/1 mc leenan place
Phone: 381644701131
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Google Sucess Kit
Ip off

Globa Sucess Marketing
Global Sucess Marketing ripped me off for 29.95. They lied and took my money through PayPal so I think they are in on this rip off. Think twice about them also

Google Sucess Kit


Google Sucess Kit
Google sucess kit scam

Freedom Financial Card
Ripoff, misled me into thinking they were sending a visa mastercard and sent a merchandise card tis is not at all what we thought we were getting Pinellas Pa

V-Motion Auction Sucess Team
V-Motion aka Auction Sucess Team RIPOFF These people were selling assistance on building a E Bay store. I gave them my bank acct no and told them not to take my money until I called them. They took it anyway and caused an overdraft

Premier Premium Communications
I received a bill for 30.00 for a adult site and my husband and i where both working no one was home and ive tried to contact them with no sucess

Google Cash Sucess Kit/Quick Profit Kit
Online scam

Google Sucess Kit
Never recieved, fradulant charges