Rip off

Shops, Products, Services

I purchased a that seemed really sweet. The images were excellent and also the explanation seemed fantastic... And so I requested this $65 gown. CHILD WAS IT A RIP-OFF! Finished didn't seem like the images. The substance wasn't that which was marketed, super-cheap and badly attached. The back off the gown dropped right down to my stomach, when it had been designed to protect your back, such as the images display. This seller MEimCRAZY was no assist in obtaining a remedy. She's available promoting garbage item, and so I offered a poor reveiw of the gown. She recommended I ought to put it on to some Katy Perry show, but I REALLY COULD NOT USE THIS POORLY-MADE DEVELOPMENT EVERYWHERE! It is no actually enjoyable to use in the home. It is horrible. The vendor subsequently remaining ME poor feedback for informing them-they created a garbage gown. Etsy explained too bad. I removed my consideration since I have was completely scammed after which this vendor was simply aweful in my experience and etsy stated, "we don't care"

I'll NOT purchase out of this website again. And that I applied to purchase A GREAT DEAL! I applied to possess 100% customer score... But this individual destroyed it and wouldn't I would like to return the gown plus they didn't provide to repair it, possibly simply because they don't have any real abilities. This gown costs probaly about 10 dollars to create plus they set absoluely no period into which makes it. It came crammed right into a box, no folded or attempted flip, jsut balled-up and crammed right into a box, without any records onto it. Subsequently, I am the main one to obtain backfeed back? Exactly what a garbage organization

I also had my very own store I had been beginning... No thanks today.

Company: Etsy
Country: USA
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Ripped off and harrassed


Etsy Buyers review - Rip-off

Special Occasion
Poor quality
Their prices are cheap and that is because the quality and service you will receive is cheap
The quality of the material is very cheap
The dress I got does not near have the quality of the dress in either of the pictures uploaded

E Dresses Global

Evening gown

Galaxy Cleaners
Rip off