Steven Price (888-304-9982) Scam Artist, Comitted fraud by false pretence using telephone and internet

Shops, Products, Services

Sometime at the end of September of I was contacted by phone by
Steven Price (888-3049982) to sell my timeshare. He was very nice, and very
courteous. I was convinced he could help us. He told me that he would sell my
timeshare for $20,695.00, that it would only be a one time payment of $2195.00,
which left me $18,500, and would take 60-90 days because there was already a preapproved
buyer for it. And when I paid by credit card, if the deal fell through, I would
still get 10% of the selling price from the down payment of the buyer of $2069.50 (AP620748). If the buyer changed their mind and just backed out of the deal, I would receive 20% which is $4139.00 (AP620747) plus the 10% for a total of $6208.50 because the buyer would be required to make a down payment of 50%. The transaction would be concluded by meeting
at a notary no more than 15 miles from where I live to sign
the legal documents. So I thought the deal would be concluded by Christmas of
2010. Thats great, or so I thought.

A few weeks later, and I cant remember exactly when, I
returned home one day to find a message on my answering machine informing me
that Steven Price doesnt work for this company any longer and if he calls me to report back to them. It told me that Kevin Soto (888-301-6184) would be handling our transaction. I called and of inquired the status of our business, he told me that there were just a few simple paperwork matters to take care of and that everything was on schedule.

A few weeks after that, I called to check about the status of our business, and I received a call from a Mr. Joey Jenson (no number) telling me that it might take a little longer than expected because the buyer was not living in the U.S. Thats when I started getting suspicious.

Well Christmas came and went and sometime after the first of
the year in again I called to check on the status. I received a call from
a Mr. Eric Turner informing me that they were checking into the financial
information of the buyer to verify the background information. At this point, I
told myself that Ive just lost $ 2195.00 and they were not going to sell my
timeshare like they said. So, Im out.

Well, some few weeks later, I received a call from a Mr.
Shane Rodgers (888-407-2615) telling me that the information on the buyer would
be completed with a conference call between himself, his upper management, and
the buyer, on March 30. Does any of this sound familiar?

On April 4 my wife informed me that this company had
charged another $1595.00 on my credit card on March 30. I verified this myself because I did not believe it. IT WAS TRUE! This is stealing! I Broke down and was so angry that I
called every phone number that I had for this company. When no return calls
came, I cried. Why would they do business like this? Why was it legal for them
to do business like this?

My employer closed the facility where I worked and I have
been unemployed for 2 years. I have returned to college only due to employment
benefits. I have emphysema, and suffer from migraines due to a family inherited
illness. My wife works 6 and sometimes 7
days a week to pay our bills. My daughter will start college in the fall of
only because she has worked part time for 3 years while in high school
and the scholarships she has received.
Do you really know how it makes a father feel to have his 18 year old
daughter earn more income than him?

Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Branson
Address: 1440 State Highway 248 Ste Q-414
Phone: 8778957874
  <     >  


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