Accepting the 'Free Sample' will cost you hundreds of dollars

Shops, Products, Services

My spouse registered for that 'free' tooth whitener. After I noticed the delivery cost, I named to stop and was informed they'd deliver us directions to come back the test. We never got directions, and so I got the unopened offer towards the postoffice and designated it 'go back to sender'. We subsequently were billed over $120 once we had evidently simply registered for that 'lifetime delivery plan'. After I actually supplied telephone documents to show I'd named to stop, they dismissed my calls and characters. This type of person dis-trustworthy and shady. Should you contact the 'help centre', nobody provides you with their complete name, or worker quantity, with no boss or supervisor is going to be available. Simply do not conduct business together. The net is saturated in a large number of grievances!!

Company: Nutralogy/HealthBuy
Country: USA
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FWM Laboratories/Resveratrol Ultra

Blue Mountain Greeting Cards
Unable to cancel subscription

Ortho white
Teeth whitening

The Grant University
Cancellation Problems

SFL Nutrition/Easy Rapid Cleanse
They won't honor my cancellation

Dazzle White

HR National
Unauthorized charges

Fees, fees, and more fees

Advanced Wellness Research, Inc
Un authorized charges for a supposedly free product

Cheshunt Overseas Ltd. Acai Diet Supplement
Acai Supplement Sample never received