DCA Online
Sold me a product I did not order and did not receive after they got their $139.95

Shops, Products, Services

In early Sept. Of 2010 DCA offered a $2.97 cd or dvd to help a person do an online business. I ordered it giving my Credit Card info. (Mistake no. 1)

When my Sept. Credit card statement arrived, It showed a $139.95 charge from this company, DCA online. Right after I ordered the $2.97 cd or dvd. (Don't know which: it never arrived), they called me to "pitch" their $139.95 package and I emphatically told them "NO"

Their fine print, (very fine, I must say) allowed a person either 3 or 5 days from the purchase of the $2.97 product to cancel, and if you DID NOT CANCEL, you automatically had agreed to purchase their product or service.

Rest assured, they remunerate their attorneys quite well to word their offers just right so that technically they "Gotcha"

I have repeatedly attempted to get my credit card company to re-imburse me for the amount and to date, they said I should have read the fine print.

In the past few days I contacted the states consumer's affairs dept. And spoke with the director. They are sending report forms to use and this could be a good idea for others, also "taken in" by this company. Consumer's affairs is closely affiliated with the Attorney General"s office.

As I previously stated, I never received a thing from this company for either the $2.97 which I did authorize or for the $139.95, which I did N O T authorize.

I see from this "consumer complaints" website that, sadly, I'm not the only one taken in by their slick, devious policies and practices. The more folks can band together, the better chances are for bringing them to justice, or least helping protect others who are unaware of their nefarious practices. Enough said, For now, at least.

Company: DCA Online
Country: USA
Address: 2334 N. 44th St. Apt. 17
Phone: 8004221949
Site: dcaonline.com
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