Disability RMS
Personal care attendant

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I had been hurt in January as a result of fall. My leg was terribly broken and that I cannot execute my work since it needs me to become on my toes. I had been advised I'd off 8-12 months and require physical treatment. I had been advised I'd get six weeks of impairment nicely i just got two so when i named about this I had been informed nicely we-don't have all of your medical documents what we've teaches you ought to be back again to work-in six months. After I attempted to inform her exactly what the statement stated that was delivered to her easily she did not have all of the paper-work. Will have no-income and battling together to maintain my temporary impairment heading till I'm ready to come back to function. We rely on this for sad incidents which is exactly how we get handled.

Company: Disability RMS
Country: USA
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