Don Gillette
Lead Net Pro Tricked me and drafted money out of my account

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I signed up for Lead Net Pro with Don Gillette and also signed up for his lead generator service. I told him I was leaving town in 2 weeks and if I would get charged when I was gone. He said no way we don't do that kind of business. I then sent a Skype to Ingry his assistant.

[2/18 2:47: 07 PM]: Hi Ingry, I am leaving for Europe for 10 days Donals said it was Ok to put my calls on hold for the time I am gone and pick back up when I get back

When I got back I decided I wasn't going to continue with the system and sent a cancellation letter to him.

ToDon Gillette
dateThu, Mar 3 at 10:33 AMsubjectRe: Business infomailed-bygmail. Comhide details Mar 3Hi Don,
I would like to cancel the lead net pro advertising services for now.
Do not draft $50 per week from my card until further notice.
Thank You!

I then got 3 drafts to my account.

Totaling $150

I sent an email to Don asking him to reverse the charges since I had canceled with more than a week left of credit. I also reminded him of my verbal agreement we had made to hold my account when I was gone.

I got this arrogant message back:

I have 400 people in my group; it is impossible for me to keep track of any 'verbal agreements' that people say they made with me. This is why I only adhere to what is in writing.
The charge was made on the 2nd and you cancelled on the 3rd. The charge stands.

Don will tell you whatever he needs to to get your money and then when he has the money he obviously doesn't care.

He refunded 2 charges because I can prove that I sent him the email. He wouldn't refund the one he ran the day before my cancellation letter because I can't prove he told me he would put the account on hold. Get everything in writing!

Besides he is marketing a business in the job section on craigslist, that wont go on much longer once craigslist gets more complaints. And then it gets tougher to sell the system.

He also lies in his presentation about how the system works. And how much it cost to broadcast the calls.

The leads he pulls for foreclosures are a joke. There are ways to make money with Lead net pro but Don Gillette is a liar and a cheat.

For me I realize why I don't like his methods. It is tricking people that we have a job when all it is is a business. I don't want to do something that tricks people to call me and then try to get their money.

Company: Don Gillette
Country: USA
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Don Gillette
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