Evaluation Solutions
Evalonline.net Hired to perform BPO's, the AE made unauthorized changes to it, never paid me for services

Shops, Products, Services

I see that I am not alone. They contacted me to perform a bpo (broker price opinion); the QC needed something changed on listing 3, I was unable to get additional comp, the AE changed the comps square footage without my knowledge or approval, the company plucked the completed bpo out of my Completed BPO queue and refuses to contact me for payment. Firstly the AE falsified the Broker Price Opinion, then they do not even pay me for my work. Scammers!

Company: Evaluation Solutions
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: 12276 San Jose Blvd, Suite 521
Phone: 9042882004
Site: evalonline.net
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Evaluation Solutions
Non Payment for Broker Price Opinion Services

EValuation Solutions
Broker Price Opinion Scam!

Evaluation Solutions LLC
I performed Broker Price Opinions for this company and they will not pay me, they currently owe me $500.00

Evaluation Solutions
AKA evalonline Non-payment for services rendered

Evaluation Solutions
Evalonline.com They owe me $520 for several BPO, Broker Price Opinion, reports. I emailed, called, no results

Evaluation Solutions / Evalonline
Evaluation Solutions - Evalonline Richard Camp CPA PA Non-payment For My BPO Services

Evaluation Solutions
Consumer Report

Evalonline BPO company that does not pay it's field agents

Evaluation Solutions
Have completed over 33 orders, all over 90 days old and no response to payment inquiries or phone calls, emails

Evaluation Solutions
Evaluaiton Solutions Fails to pay Real Estate Agents for Broker Price Opinion Reports