Insurance Express
A Boiler Room Call Center Batting Zero in Staff Retention and Exploiting Online Consumers

Shops, Products, Services

This organization has been in business for about a year... And consists of a boiler room filled with personal computers serving as a call center—managed by "Paul" whose management skills consist of demoralizing staff who earn a lousy $9 per hour generating leads from bogus purchased Internet lists—potential auto insurance clients range from 11 year olds to disabled individuals (yes including vision impaired who cannot drive!) to others who clearly had no desire to be part of this telemarketing sham. Face it, most vehicle owning consumers are smart enough to shop for their OWN insurance, compare rates and make the best selection.

New employee orientation does not occur monthly, as in most reputable companies, but is conducted four nights a week for two new groups each and every week—even top lead generators receive no special treatment—they (we) are ALL replaceable and WILL be replaced if not today, tommorrow. This is particularly so if one does not read their poorly written script VERBATIM which starts off by telling consumers "we recently received some of your auto information to produce an auto insurance quote for you" this is a LIE, there is NO auto information provided by consumers—outside of they fact that they browsed a site and filled out an online form somewhere in cyberspace which they in turn bought the rights to so they can harass these folks nightly until they cave in.

Even consumers who've taken steps to be placed on the federal do not call list do not escape because they've completed an online form which this company will exploit. What's worse is the fact that they continue to recycle these lists until they've sucked them dry to the point of harassing consumers to answer their key questions i.E. What is the year, make and model of your vehicle? Do you own or rent your home? And last but not least Do you want to buy a bogus auto warranty plan that actually covers nothing on your vehicle that breaks? Clearly they in turn sell the contact information again for profit to mortgage companies or move the the homeowner/renters to another facet of business where they try to wangel them into buying even more insurance.

The company pays staff $9 an hour and a typical staff person working 20 hours weekly can generate up to 80 leads—which they in turn sell to insurance agents nationwide for $10 per lead—now do the math and multiply by 100 staff. No wonder Paul could care less if an employee stays one hour or one month which seems to be the average length of stay before they either quit or are fired. He's a little puke of a man who works behind a PC 12 hours a day and has found his dream job—gets paid to instant message, act like a jerk and drool over the 20 year old girls terms of working there—anyone, YES anyone can get a job there—there is no reference check, no drug test, no skills assessment—a drug addict can work there, an ex con can work there, a pedafile can even work there—anyone can work there! Because they don't care!!!

Company: Insurance Express
Country: USA
State: New Hampshire
City: Salem
Address: Route 28
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