Phoenix Coin LLC
Ripped Me Off, Held Back Payment From Check For Gold And Silver I Had Sold Them! Scam Artists!

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Be warned. Phoenix Coin LLC, located in Peoria, Arizona, on 7558 W. Thunderbird Rd, Suite 1-617 will seem like a trusted company. They will smile and shake your hand like someone that you might have met a long time ago and are reuniting with as long lost friends might do after being appart for along time. Although, I know what greedy, money stealing little rip off artists, they really are.

Here`s what happened to me very shortly after receiving a flier in the mail back in late December that read, "HUGE Buying Event Only 5 Days!". Modern Day Treasure Hunters In Your Hometown! At the bottom of the front of this flier it also read, "YOUR PERSONAL INVITATION".in very trusting capitol letters. So being a somewhat trusting fool that I was, I proceeded to open it up and give it a thorough reading and mabey even decide on weather or not to stop in to sell some silver that I acquired on ebay a few years back as well as some really old silver dollars that I knew were worth quite a bit more than I realized until going on line and looking them up as to get an Idea of there worth. I had also purchased some gold on the internet not to long ago when the prices started to jump up rather quickly. My father passed away 1 year ago in December at 84 yrs old, as well as my mother passing away back in 2002 at age 70. I end up getting laid off just prior to my fathers passing away, things were not exactly looking very posative for quite a long fact they are still not looking good at all.

So along with acquiring my mother and fathers old house. The same house I remember growing up in as a child, I also acquire the $60.000 dollar mortgage debt that my mother and father had taken out on the equity of the house ten or fifteen years earlier. I also find out that none of the actual debt has been paid back since they took it out. My father had only been paying the interest on the loan once a month for the last ten years or so.

Needles to say money is non existant right now. So when Phoenix Coin LLC. Came to my area I thought that I could sell some or most all of the silver and gold I owned and pay most of the late bills that are way over due and get some food to live on for the time being.

After driving a short distance to the location that was provided on the flier I spoke with one of there reps and showed them what I had for sale. After examining the things that I brought I was handed a piece of paper that had $1400.00 on it. Even though I was taking a huge loss on the sale I really needed money bad. So I agreed to the amount and shook there hand and accepted there check, that I was of course reassured was lagit. Being Sunday afternoon and no banks were open I really had no choice but to take there check and wait until Monday to deposit it in my 200 dollar overdrawn bank account.

Everything went according to plan except when I went to the grocery store the very next evening and tried to pay for $210.00 worth of food my check debit card would not accept the amount and it kept telling me Insufficiant funds in the account! I thought wait a minute I just deposited $1400.00 dollars yesturday, there has to be pleanty of money in the account for the grocerys! Right? Wrong!!! I drive home and go to my account on line and I see it saying something about check funds not available.By this time I`am red, I`am ready to bite someones head off. I wait untill the next morning right when my bank opens up.

I go in and start raising my voice as to what the h*lls going on with the reason I cant use my debit card and they quickly inform me the payment on the check from Phoenix Coin LLC, was withheld by them for reasons unknown. So I `am wondering whats going on with why they are now stopping payment on the check that was issued with no reason as to why. I quickly call the company and I keep getting an answering machine saying that there not in the office right now and to leave a message so they can return my call. That was two monthes ago and 50 or 60 calls ago with nobody ever in the office and me leaving them a message to please return my call asap so I can at least find out there reason for stopping the payment on the check that was issued. I`am still waiting and still no return call no nothing?...

Company: Phoenix Coin LLC
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Peoria
Address: 7558 W. Thunderbird Rd., Suite 1-617
Phone: 8772510434
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