Master Fulfillment Group
Master Fulfillment Group Inc. They emailed me a phony application for shipment inspector job

Shops, Products, Services

This company is a total scam, they will work you for 30 days as part of your probationary period. Then once your 30 days are up and at this time you should be paid, you will never hear from them again. This fake company will also send you a work contract by email describing the job of being a "shipment inspector" that you are suppose to sign and send it back to them via email. This is not a legitimate company at all, so if you received any email from them please disregard it and don't fall for this scam as I did..

Company: Master Fulfillment Group
Country: USA
State: Montana
City: Billings
Address: 512 N. Broadway
Phone: 14062064553
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Master Fulfillment Group Inc
False employment, Packages Resending Scam

Master Fulfillment Group, Inc
Edna Rosenthal Received phony email from "Edna Rosenthal" offering a pay-at-home job for package/shipment inspector. Received packages at home and required to reship them using prepaid labels. Money promised was $10

Master FulFillment Group
Scam, All the right answers, Unkept Promises

Master Fullfillment Group Inc
Edna rosenthal "same as the other complaints against this company but in my case i still have a package in my possesion"

High Grade Fulfillment LLC
Consumer Report

High Grade Fulfillment LLC
Consumer Report

High Grade Fulfillment LLC
Consumer Report
SuperSaverMeds - Super Saver Meds ripoff Did not send order Lied about re-sending shipment

High Grade Fullfilment LLC
Consumer Report

ISpeedway -or - AtLast Fulfillment
ISpeedway - AtLast Fulfillment - Job Solutions are Credit Card Rip Off Artists! Chicago