Us-multiservice Cor
Advertised sale of DVD's, buy two get one free, but they send only one copy and charged for the lot

Shops, Products, Services

The company where I bought the dvd's never send the thing I order instead they send a very bad copy of one south america soap but what I order was 3 dvd's and they charge $ 203 dollars for one copy I asked them trough the interned what was wrong but they never respond to my e-mail or phone calls, and this was the first time I used this system of buying thinks.

Company: Us-multiservice Cor
Country: USA
Phone: 3475415717
  <     >  


Consumer Report

Matthew Lesko - information Usa Information Usa I ordered books 1 year ago they cashed my postal money order but did not send my products Baldwin Place new york

Local Records Office
Asking me to pay 89.00 dlls to provide me with the title or and deed of my house
BEWARE - 1-800-send-FTD

Maxwell Scott Enterprises
More information on how you are supposed to make all this money and
Consumer Report

Auction Success Inc - Click Income
Scam artist continue to send monthly invoive

Ray Reynolds & Associates
Ipoff false charges misinform lie cheat

Idservco - Copy Supply Warehouse Culver City, California
IDSERVCO - COPY SUPPLY WAREHOUSE ripoff, fraudulent billing, unauthorized vendor Culver City

Barton Publishing
Consumer Report