NY Partners
Worldwise Marketing Scam, Dishonest, Waste of Time

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All prospective job seekers BEWARE of NY Partners. This company is a complete and total scam in what they are "selling" to you. Allow me to describe my personal experience with them.

From start to finish I was with NY Partners for 3 weeks. I responded to their job posting on Monster.com after seeing it up for quite some time (months actually) and decided, why not, I'm in the market for a job as a recent college graduate. I sent the application via monster and was contacted about an hour later. The representative sounded like a young woman who gave the usual "We're impressed with your resume, can you come in for an interview?". I thought to myself, "Awesome! Maybe this will be my stepping stone!" even though the rep was extremely vague. I go in for the interview the next day at the Herald Square Building on 34th st in Manhattan. The lobby was quite professional with a doorman checking IDs and everything. My hopes were beginning to swell thinking "Wow for them to be set up in this building they must be a pretty good firm". I walked into office which was rather small, not really understanding what exactly the company did. I was interviewed by a fairly young looking man, no more than 4-5 years older than I was (I was 23 at the time).in hindsight the interview was more like a sales pitch as I felt like he was trying to sell me on the job. I thought it was suppose to be the other way around? Regardless, I was eager and hungry for work so I decided to play along. The pitch of course was that they were a marketing firm that represents various big-name clients like Verizon, energy companies, etc. He asked me how my people skills were and if I had any qualms about traveling for work. He also told me that opportunities for advancement in this company was very fast. Sounds like a dream job doesn't it? I was not prepared for what the deception of this company truly was.

After the first interview, I go home eagerly waiting for the phone call I was promised to tell me whether or not they would see me for a second interview. That phone call came not 4 hours after I left the office. I go in Monday to discover the guy who interviewed me was actually the company's boss. I was impressed that someone of his rank would interview me and even sign off on my application, giving me the chance to work for them. I was told I would be shadowing one of the corporate trainers for the day to see how the job was done.

I head out with the trainer and another trainee that was a week into his training after he was taken in by NY Partners. We head out for Brooklyn by train and during the ride the trainer was trying to ask me questions. It was quite an awkward time to be interviewing a person, especially on a noisy train but I indulged the guy. He was actually younger than I was and I was told he never even went to college. He joined NY partners straight out of high school. This should have been a huge red flag for me but I put it past me. During the day as I shadowed the guy, he was telling me what the company was really about. It was business to business and business to home sales. The current campaign NY Partners was involved with was to sign customers with Direct Energy, an energy firm that supplies energy to Con Edison by locking them into a low flat rate. It was truly backbreaking work, walking around the entire day from door to door, pitching the same sales talk to every owner and manager. During the lunch break the trainer was explaining into better details about how the system worked. This was where I was mislead COMPLETELY. He starts to describe how much each rank in the company gets paid. At the bottom are the account executives, which was the position I was applying for. At the top was the General Manager. He labels each of the ranks and how much each earned and I thought, "Wow! 800 dollars a week would be awesome for my position!". Needless to say that was what sealed the deal for me as I was a poor college graduate looking for opportunities.

At the end of the day my legs and feet were aching so badly I could barely stand when I got home. Still, I thought to myself no pain no gain and $800 salary a week is not shabby at all. I went in for the 3rd interview after the job shadow the day before and they accepted with arms wide open. I hit the ground running, learning the pitch and how to overturn negative customers.in just a week I was sent out on my own to Astoria, Queens to pitch to a very busy neighborhood full of small businesses. It was grueling considering the summer heat as I was walking around the entire day in a suit. Over the course of the first week I wasn't able to sign very many customers as many were tired of salesman knocking on their door. Many of the customers would tell me, "You're like the 10th guy I've seen this month selling me the same crap." After the first week in Astoria, I was assigned a territory of my choice in Flushing, Queens. I thought Flushing would be a perfect fit since I spoke one of the common dialects. Wrong. Flushing business owners are even MORE skeptical of the garbage NY Partners was trying to peddle.

My eyes weren't opened until the end of my second week when a trainer was assigned to help me in my territory to see what the problem was. At the end of the day, on the train ride back the trainer said to me, "Yeah man, its a tough business, especially when its all commissions." Once I heard that, I felt like a mirror broke inside, knowing I was deceived for 3 weeks straight. I quit the next day.

All in all, allow me to explain EXACTLY what NY Partners actually does:

1) They constantly hire new people because their employee retention is garbage
2) They are extremely vague on details about the job, glorifying only the deceptive parts to entice newcomers
3) The comissions was $40 per service signed with a business and $14 per service signed for residential homes. The pay is garbage and in some cases, you end up spending more on commute than you make from selling to customers.
4) They are dishonest and even cost me $40 from my bank by sending me 2 bad checks (which totaled to less than the penalty I had to pay) from the money I did make peddling their crap.

If you are looking for a job, avoid any of these sales job and ny partners at all costs!

Company: NY Partners
Country: USA
Address: Herald Sq Bldg, 34th St
Site: newyorkpartners.net
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