Malboro menthol
We wanna sue then government for experimenting with our lungs!

Shops, Products, Services

Me and my friends having been smoking malboro menthols for more than 15 years and since they truly became "FSC" we've never had so much phlem and torso congestion. Wtf is up with that? What kinda freakin substance did they include today towards the countless additional types which are currently killing people. How is the fact that actually okay with additional smokers I'd like justice!!!

Company: Malboro menthol
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
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I ordered three cartons of malboro lights. They haven't come after 10 weeks since I ordered. Emails are ignored. Warsaw

Camel Menthol

Phillip morris

ChemLawn (True Green)
My lawn has as many weeds as it did before after paying $200. Ripoff!

Marlboro Light 100's

Smoking in store

The Trio, E-Cigarette Starter Kit
Didn't work, overcharged

Malboro cigarettes
Not buying cigarettes

Super 8
Scammed me out of $250

Phillip Morris Inc. (Malboro division)
Negative response to request for Marlboro "Miles" catalog