No contact info so cant cancel 104.95 dollar account that recurs every 90 days

Shops, Products, Services

The reason i am writing this report is because there isnt any contact information to cancel my accidentally made account of 104.95 that recurs every 90 days or so it says. I want to cancel this and get my money back because for one i am only 17 and one has to be 18 to sign up and second i was tricked by the gmail account ellayoung4@gmail.com to sign up for these services in the first place. I have cancelled most of the other accounts but couldnt get the contact info for this one, lovezpot.com, to cancel my subscribtion.

The contact info page that the website has does not have anything on it, it is just a blank page.

Company: www.lovezpot.com
Country: USA
Site: lovezpot.com
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Ripoff Cancelled the day before very misleading forms

Consumer Report

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