Manny Dela Cruz The seller (thelorider) on the auction site does not tell people some of his pistols are police trade-in's

Shops, Products, Services

This site has a seller (thelorider) that sells alot and does not tell people the facts about the products they are bidding on. He is selling police trade in pistols but he does not mention this in the description. All other site's that sell police trade-in's say so. He has a 100% positive but that is because all messages between seller and buyer are kept private and once the seller leaves a negative feedback on the buyer the company will take the buyer off and the buyer cannot leave a negative feedback on the seller.
I feel like this is a unfair business practice and I will not deal with a company that will not hear both sides from the buyer and seller.
I bought 6 firearms last year with no problems and have bought 3 this year and I made a mistake of trying someone new. I'll go back to the ones I've always used and some have free shipping!

Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson City
Phone: 8774862828
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Etsy Feedback

Square Trade
Squaretrade Offering "Negative Feedback removal service" for $ 20 - helping liars to cheat people on ebay

Squre Trade, EBay
Only Sqare Trade can help me! Ripoff

Stylesthatareamazing - Diane Cerny
Stylesthatareamazing On Ebay - Diane Cerny Fraudulent Seller! Ignores emails, states items are unpaid for so buyer cannot leave feedback! Watch out for this seller on EBAY! Ripoff misleading ads difficult to understand directions wrong instructions San Jose California

EBAY Member cra76
Carrie arnold resorts to feedback extortion because she does not read descriptions

Scammer, Fraud, Thief

Discount Natural Foods BAIT & SWITCH SCAM Seller drops "free shipping" if order too heavy Syracuse

Feedback is rigged to keep seller feedback high