Island Yellow Pages
Shady Business practices, scam and intimidation to collect money

Shops, Products, Services

In November my husband was contacted to advertise his business through the Island Yellow pages Internet phone book. The person in which he spoke with referenced an offer that would allow him to only pay $400 instead of the standard rate of $954.00.

We were in the process of moving the business and explained that this sounds good however it doesn't make since to start the process since we are in the process of moving.

To our surprise we got a bill from the company in December explaining that we are past due and the total bill is $954.00.

We contacted the company via e-mail and expressed concern over the bill and explained that we didn't authorize the transaction we advised to stop the process at this time.

We received another bill the following month. Another e-mail was sent.

The person on the phone was a man stating that he was from the Attorney's office that was selected to represent the agency in this matter and that we needed to pay the bill. He advised us that he had a recorded call between my husband and the agency.

The man continues to state that we would have to pay attorney's fees and court fees. We were promised a copy of the alleged recording that represnts our consent to date nothing.

Look out for the scammers. Funny thing, I'm from Florida and never heard of them until I moved to St. Thomas.

Company: Island Yellow Pages
Country: USA
City: St. John
Address: 5000-A Estate Enighed, #390
Phone: 8139335206
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