Apple Termite
Did not pay for equipment or service

Shops, Products, Services

Client (Apple Pest in Santa Fe Spirings were likewise in San Bernadino) named to obtain a Toshiba telephone program we went offered them the machine and mounted it... I described we require check or charge card he explained he'd be back soon. He didn't return for just two hours. He turned up and stated oh I quit my budget athome please statement him. We named each week for four weeks and he explained he'll deliver a check then we delivered him to colections and he informed them to poor he's going broke however they continue to be answering telephones... Be careful they'll tear you down!!

Company: Apple Termite
Country: USA
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Apple Termite
Non Payment

Apple termite
Centerminin termite Violates labor law rules for employees: refuses to pay employees: solicits false/misleading info in order to gain business from employees inspections
Their ethics are HORRIBLE

Apple Vacations On The Go Connection
Dissatisfied customer/hanging the phone on customer

Apple I-Pod
Water Damage

Apple iTunes
Consumer Report

Dunkin Donuts
Reduced client therapy

Consumer Report

Apple 3G phones NOT WORKING - Iphone 3G

Apple has not responded to a subpoena - Macbook