Seasonal Employee

Shops, Products, Services

I had been a periodic worker at Belk and that I need to state that this really is one fly-by-night, slimeball procedure easily have ever seen one. This really is possibly the toughest organization I've actually worked for in nearly two decades of operating. I loved the task itself and coping with clients however the organization is completely awful and managements unprofessionalism is beyond the light. Our integrity was asked numerous occasions since I had been a brand new affiliate plus they didnt understand me well-even though i never did something shady or below panel the whole period I worked there. Administration might delay a whole month or even more before they'd tackle problems after which might keep in touch with the store-manager in the place of obtaining using their workers about something that must be resolved. Truly, if its that aged and nobody has stated something about this however, dont take it up whatsoever. About 80-percent of the shop might stop in a brand new york moment when they had additional careers and also the store-manager was unaware. I had been named in from the supervisor to go over my "troubling conduct" that was the truth that I wouldnt accept affiliates being rude in my experience before customers, bellow over the shop like rednecks each time they were displeased, handle me or additional affiliates like dust each time they thought enjoy it and bad-mouth additional affiliates in earshot of the customers. Since I'd show particular assholes that I'd no need to cope with that trash in a part-time periodic work, they thought endangered by me and visited protest to administration. Nicely requesting a rude affiliate not to claim along with you before clientele is outwardly troubling conduct since in the end, who ought to be fighting having a pacesetter that's been using the organization for 17 years-even when the lady is just a rude bitch that smarts down to clients and treats affiliates like dust since they're periodic. Periodic and silly equally begin with s but thats the one thing they've in keeping. Administration might frequently jeopardize individuals careers and spoke right down to affiliates about not receiving enough breaks or revenue despite the fact that everyone was smashing their humps there to obtain the revenue and create the clients feel significant. Mr Belk couldnt obtain a idea on the best way to operate an effective company if he was standing bare in the centre of the area saturated in sexy hints with idea musk applied throughout his body. Your store-manager was a great deal worse. He was an overall total device plus one of these howdy doody schoolboy kinds that has simply no idea just how to operate a retail company. And whats worse is Belk demands that administration have university levels. Now thats true wealthy. I don't understand what colleges these fools visited but evidently all of them drew.

Company: Belk
Country: USA
State: Georgia
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Treating Emplyees Bad

Hostile work environment

Do Not Shop at Belk unless you support the reasons they fire associates! Do you want to be strong armed into opening a Belk Charge!

Company Policy

Elk complaint

Store management

Employee rudeness

Belk - Triangle Town - Raleigh
Treated Badly

Belk drops Card Holders due to zero balance on card & inactivity
