SMS Corp
Tom Bosley Don't waste your time or money!

Shops, Products, Services

I listened to the infomercial online and was intreguied by what it said so I called and was promised $25.00 in merchandise on the site for calling. I never heard of the $25.00 only about the 2 levels of membership that I could get my business started. I fell for the "oh you can make $200. A month to start at least and go from there" line. I gave my card info and paid 39.95 for he silver membership and was told it would also cost 30.00 a month for the website. That would have been fine and dandy if it was a true statement. After I got off the phone something kept nagging me so I looked up the company and found this site and the over 400 ripoff compliants.

I immediatly called the company back and said "cancel everything now!" I was told that since it had been such a quick decision that I was not even in the system yet ad they could not even cancel new members until after the shipment was made of the starter kit. I told the lady that was crazy, that i had never heard of business pracitices like this and that I would be filing a complaint as well as doing everything to ensure that I was not charged the 39.95! She promptly sent me to the rcorded message abut how to return the kit which from what I read I will hve to insure for 100.00. Not happening and they can fight me on it but they will not be getting money from me! I as many others believed in Tom Bosley the spokesperson because we grew up watching him, however it breaks my heart to know that he represents such a company that would ripoff people as such...

Company: SMS Corp
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fonta
Address: 13230 San Berniandino Ave
Phone: 18884758348
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S M C, Tom Bosley
S M C Single mother of two small children mislead by SMC & Tom Bosley! Looking for income, found disappointment and empty pockets. Shame on you SMC & Tom Bosley, shame, shame! Internet

SMC - EMC - Specialty Merchandise Corp - E Merchant Club - Mmerce
Ripped off by SMC the merchant club with the spokesperson by Tom Bosley

Specialty Merchandise Corp
SMC Steals Money from Consumers

Dirty Tricks Shameless

Speciality Merchant Club

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Specialty Merchandise Corp
EMerchant Club Conned and Scamed by SMC and eMerchant Club, loss almost $3.000 by these pros

SMC Speciality Merchandise Corporation
When will the California Attorney General Shut this SMC SCAM Down?

Specialty Merchandise Corp. Lied, Manipulated me and stole from me

Dual Action Cleanse
AKA Cellular Research ripoff, unable to cancel order, laughable customer service, fake support