International Credit Recovery Inc
International Credit Recovery INC. Date of Birth Scam

Shops, Products, Services

Better Business Bureau, Inc.
100 Bryant Woods South
Amherst, NY 14228

Re: International Credit Recovery Inc I would like to file a complaint with this company for fraudulent bulletins and harassing phone calls @ 10:30 A.M. On January 12 Chris Bennet called claiming he was from a collection agency. He needed to collect a debt from my company for a supervisor safety bulletin. He said that the company that hired him to collect this debt had been given authorization to bill me thru my DOB and Email address. I first of all dont give out this info to anyone except family and friends.

I told him to not call me ever again because Im sure this was a scam. He said oh yea Ill be calling back I told him I was on the National Registry DO Not Call list. Then I hung up because he wouldnt shut up. He then called my CFO in the Home office which then talked to my Supervisor. Claiming I owe his company money.

I still dont know what I owe or why I owe anything. I have since tried to call back and no one will answer the phone. I have since typed in his Phone # in the Google Web Browser 1-607-748-4686 and found out that this really was a scam. I have never given anybody permission to bill me or the company I work at for any bogus Bulletin for supervisors. Can you please shut this company down and have them to stop harassing the American people.

Thanking you in advance

Bobby *

CC: https://www.ftccomplaintassistant. Gov/.
District Manager

CC: International Credit Recovery Inc.
Dallas, Tx

Company: International Credit Recovery Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Vestal
Address: 300 Main Street, POBox 992
Phone: 6077484686
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Progressive Business Publications
Progressive Business Publications Scam With International Credit Recovery Inc

Progressive Business Publications
Scam, Ripoff, Bogus purchase

Portfolio Recovery Associates - Collection Agency
They called to collect a 21 yr old debt that was erroneously on our credit report!

National Recovery Agency
West Bay Acquisitions National Recovery Agency is an agency of FRAUDULENT, INCOMPETENT, ASININE THIEVES & SCAMMERS. San Bernardino, California

Progressive Business Publications
International Credit Recovery Never heard of these people until I received a collection call from ICR. It appears that the 2 are in cahoots

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Portfolio Recovery Associates Portfolio Recovery is trying to collect on a debt that a) I never had, and b) is from 1998. Lots of phone calls! Ripoff

Portfolio recovery
Debt recovery solutions, USCB corp, midland credit management, bureau of collection recovery, merchant circle, ars national services trying to collect on 20 yr old debts that were paid in full

Columbia House Dvd
National Recovery Agency I just found out that on my credit report there is a false allegation that I owe this Columbia House DVD money from 2005 and National Recovery Agency trying to collect

Progressive Business Publications
International Credit Recovery Unbelievable

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Digging 12 year old debt