Progressive Business Publications
International Credit Recovery Never heard of these people until I received a collection call from ICR. It appears that the 2 are in cahoots


The first time I heard of Progressive Business solutions was when I received a collection phone call from International Credit Recovery. I asked for some verification of the charges and she FAX'd me a copy of a letter that was supposedly mailed to me confirming my order. The letter had no date; my name was spelled wrong; and I absolutely never heard of this company before. I called ICR back and told Amanda these things. She said the letter didn't need a date. She said a typo on my name didn't matter and that she was going to report to the bureau. I told her I thought they were in this scam together and I absolutely refused to pay the $253.00 plus costs. She hung up on me. Larry

Company: Progressive Business Publications
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Malvern
Address: 370 Technology Dr
  <     >  


Progressive Business Publications
Scam, Ripoff, Bogus purchase

Progressive Business Publications
Progressive Business Publications Scam With International Credit Recovery Inc

Progressive Business Publications
Progressive Business Publication - Scan, threatening collection calls, stay away from them

Progressive Business Publications
Progressive Publications

Progressive Business Publications
International Credit Recovery Unbelievable

Progressive business publications
Lin Gregory Threatened collection over publications sent but not authorized

Progressive Business Publications
Scam Artists

Progressive Business Publications
Sent us to their collections agency for payment of something we never ordered or received

Progressive Business Publications
Phone and email publication scam

Credit Collection Services
Scam and cheating