Hughes Magic
Richard hughes bad service, bad product no customer service

Shops, Products, Services

I should have know BEFORE i ordered the flowers from Hughes Magic, I should have listened to the rumors going around at the convention I attended. I should have also found it odd that on Richard Hughes/Hughes Magic website that there are no current references. Most references are from the 1980's with the most current being 2002.

Maybe back in the 1980's you could have gotten away with poor quality products because there wasn't any internet and the word didn't travel that fast back then. I honestly think the flowers might have been left over stock from the 1980's... They are just that bad... LOL.

I am so very disappointed in what I got for my money. I should have looked elsewhere. Hopefully this will alert others before they make the same mistake. Richard Hughes... It's 2011 get out of the 1980's. You should either up your quality on your products or fold up shop.

Company: Hughes Magic
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Ravenna
Address: 352 N. Prospect St
Phone: 3302964023
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Richard Hughes - Hughes Magic
Bad product, inhumane to animals richard hughes-hughes magic-bad product-inhumane to animals

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